New England Colleges and Universities: Acceptance of Evolution and Religiosity

Acceptance of Evolution and Religiosity in New England Colleges and Universities

The Boston Public Library, a magnificent destination for enlightment (photo G. Paz-y-Miño-C — © 2010)

26% of the general faculty, 45% of the educators, and 35% of the students do not know that humans are apes…

15% of the general faculty, 32% of the educators, and 35% of the students believe, incorrectly, that the origin of the human mind cannot be explained by evolution…

30% of the general faculty, 59% of the educators, and 75% of the students are Lamarckian…

29% of the general faculty, 42% of the educators, and 37% of the students consider religion to be very important in their lives…

17% of the general faculty, 34% of the educators, and 28% of the students confess to pray daily…

To access complete post, statistics and link to original scientific article click on Acceptance of Evolution and Religiosity in New England Colleges and Universities